
Oakland celebrates May Day

05 May 2019 64 hits

OAKLAND—Progressive Labor Party comrades and friends held our annual May Day dinner tonight for the Bay Area and the Davis/Sacramento area. In the tradition of this workers’ holiday, we gathered in solidarity with the international working class to celebrate many struggles over the past year that have developed multi-racial, multi-generational, working-class unity.
This unity was in full display among the 60-plus participants at our event. It was set up and moderated to encourage active participation from everyone.  There were “Question and Answer” and “table talk sessions”, as well as poetry. We made plans to participate in various May Day activities such, as the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) shut down of the Oakland Port and a coalition march. We ended with singing the working-class anthem, The Internationale, and a collective clean-up of the room.
Reflecting on anti-racist struggles
Two major anti-racist, anti-capitalist struggles were reported on during the dinner. The first of these was the Oakland teachers’ strike, with its militant demands and actions that united the needs of teachers, students,and families against capitalism’s systematic, racist dismantling of public education for the working class. The bosses’ attacks affect all levels of education, from preschool to the university level. The speakers highlighted the outpouring of working-class unity and rank-and-file teacher initiative during the strike (See CHALLENGE, 3/24).
The next topic of discussion was the fightback of immigrant workers with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Close to a million workers and their families from 13 countries face deportation and the separation of their families. Many have been living and working in the U.S. for more than 20 years contributing taxes to Medicare and Social Security but barred from collecting any benefits.
The theme was the racist, anti-immigrant worker attacks on TPS holders, and how they come from the failing economic system’s attempt to blame one set of workers for the problems faced by others as the system falls apart.
The speaker emphasized that this is not an attack just on immigrants, but that it is designed to undermine working-class consciousness and solidarity. It’s an attack on the whole working class. A spontaneous chant of “power to the working class” followed this speech.
“Table talk” contrasts capitalist reforms with communist revolution
A table talk was structured to discuss how reforms are related to capitalism, such as the democratic socialism of Bernie Sanders, but also the revolutionary socialism after the armed revolutions that as took place in 20th century in China and Russia, and we also discussed PLP’s goal of egalitarian, worker-run communism. These topics gave people the opportunity to reflect on the role of armed struggle, force and violence during workers’ fightback against capitalism and for revolution. Many spoke from personal experience of struggles around the world and in the U.S.
We reviewed the accomplishments, mistakes, and areas to improve in past struggles of the communist movement. Many said this must be an ongoing part of our political education as we develop our movement.  Coming out of this collective energy and successful May Day dinner, the future is bright.


Comments from attendees
“I’m a student just starting out dealing with this world. The dinner was a tremendously empowering experience, to know about and interact with comrades, and to hear them speak about their unique experiences and opinions. The air of welcoming was something hard to find elsewhere and there should be many more events like it.”
“As a TPS holder, it was a great pleasure at the May Day dinner to see young people engage in critical thinking and talking about the issue of violence and the TPS. I’m happy our new generation is so engaged.”
“I loved it…I appreciated the speeches and the food.  The moderators really set the tone… people were free to listen and free to speak.”
“The comradely respect and consideration people showed for each other’s opinions was truly moving.”
“It was great to see young people and older people together…talking from different perspectives… Lots of new faces.”
“The feelings and emotions of workers’ solidarity were front and center. I loved the passion… especially how we could live very differently when humans could achieve our full potential in a communist world.”
“Fantastic event, I’m glad I decided to stay the whole time. It was truly communist from sharing food to discussing revolution.”
“It was a potpourri–people of all ages, all backgrounds, traditions, geography. After the discussion about revolutions, I talked with my brother later that night. I explained that non-violent revolution is an oxymoron, you can’t hold power if you can’t catch it… you got to take it from the rulers.”
“As someone who is 77, started work at 15 and who, for a short period of time, experienced when working people got a few gains, I see that now the system is taking it all back and then some. That time is never coming back for the working class.  Capitalism as a system has got to go and you need a Party to do that... I invite people to join PLP to build for a better world.”