
KKKop murders William; workers gear up to fight

07 February 2020 75 hits

Prince George’s County, February 5–Another police murder of a Black man happened just as the Community Justice Coalition (CJC) in Prince George’s County, MD was holding a conference call about police brutality! 43-year-old William (Boo) Green was another slain victim of racist capitalism. Only a revolution against the whole damn profit system can begin to end such racism, since it is needed by capitalism to intimidate, control, and subject us all to intense exploitation. Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members participate in the CJC to help sharpen the struggle against racism and to bring more anti-racist fighters into the communist movement.
Racist killer cop Owen
Boo banged into some parked cars in Temple Hills, MD, and the police put him in handcuffs (behind his back) and strapped him into the front seat of a police cruiser. Then Cpl. Michael Owen, a Black cop, shot seven times, fatally striking him, demonstrating that all cops carry out racist attacks. This same pig had killed another Black Prince George’s County resident in 2011! The police chief, Henry Stawinksi, and his top cops huddled and put out the lie that Boo was on PCP, but once they saw that local residents had cell phone videos that showed no resistance by him, or erratic behavior, they realized they had to change their story. They charged pig Owen with 2nd degree murder, manslaughter, and weapons violations (Washington Post, 2/4/). We’ll see if there is truly any accountability for this racist murder.
Capitalist racism: little changes in 27 years
This incident was just like an earlier police murder that PLP fought against–Artie Elliott in 1993 was handcuffed behind his back in a police cruiser and then murdered in a hail of bullets from two cops. So little change, after two Department of Justice consent decrees with the county, and a parade of “reforming” police chiefs! It takes a revolution, not some bogus reform, to end such racist police behavior.
Emergency meetup in response to Boo’s murder
We held an emergency meeting via conference call to consider a course of action in response to Boo’s  murder. It turns out that a leader of the CJC grew up with him, bringing home how police violence harms us all. Coalition members had lots of recommendations, from encouraging an uprising against the police state violence to a renewed circulation of our petition demanding the firing of Chief Stawinski. A PLP member recommended we take to the streets with a bullhorn rally near the site of the murder to swell the ranks of our modest organization.  
At our follow up meeting, another case of racist police action came to us. In this case, cops with guns drawn burst into a Black couple’s home, failed to identify themselves, poked around the house while the wife told them to get out and that they had no right to search her house. The terror felt by her and her husband is a prime example of how routine aggressive racist behavior is intended to intimidate and control Black working class people, all in the service of helping capitalists achieve maximum profits through the exploitation of the working class as a whole.
The fightback will continue!