
Liberal AMLO continues to exploit workers

07 March 2020 61 hits

MEXICO, March 3—We live under the capitalist system, where a minority of profit thirsty multi-billonaires steal the wealth socially generated by the majority of the exploited and impoverished working class. In Mexico the Fourth Transformation Government (4T), of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s (AMLO) campaign, and its promise to end corrpution, and  massive income disparity plaguing Mexico, is continuing this viscious cycle rather than eradicating it.
AMLO’S exploitation
The megaprojects of the Interoceanic Corridor (CI, Spanish abbreviation), the Maya Train, the new International Airport in Mexico City, the Comprehensive Project of Morelos (PIM, Spanish abbreviation) and the Dos Bocas Refinery, will bring destruction, death and exploitation for the communities where they are being created. But, according to AMLO’s government, it will bring “progress” and “development”.  Words that under capitalism mean more poverty, exploitation and repression for workers.
Mining destroys
We just have to look at how mining has devastated the lives of millions of workers living in the municipalities where it is taking place.  According to a 2017 report from the FUNDAR organization: 50 percent of the mining municipalities in Mexico have higher levels of poverty than the national average and 13 percent of those communities surpass the limits of extreme poverty (Las Actividades Extractivas en México: Minería e Hidrocarburos Hacia el Fin del Sexenio, 2017).
During that same year, according to a report from the Chamber of Mines of Mexico, the mining production was up to 12,772 billion dollars, which means record breaking profits for the mining bosses and inequality and poverty for those communities. Let’s not forget that mining destroys  workers’ way of life and the environment.  
Those who oppose these megaprojects are often intimidated or assassinated by the repressive forces and paramilitary groups hired by the companies or organized crime.  Samir Flores, an indigenous fighter and leader of the resistance against  PIM, was assassinated a few days after AMLO called him a “leftist conservative”.
The government of the 4T is also creating conflcit between imperialists. The CI is a project that U.S. imperialism has long wished for; to streamline and simplify the flow of raw material and products between the east and west coast of the U.S., creating more profits.  It also means creating big industrial parks with laws that impose slave labor conditions for workers, while taking the abundant hydraulic, mining and energetic resources in the south of Mexico.
 But China is rising to become the main imperialist rival of the U.S. The CI will be a confrontation point due to its connection with the strategic Pacific Ocean, the main disputing zone for both imperialists.
Reject all capitalist politicians
We have to confront the attacks these megaprojects represent for our class.  The international revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP) is in solidarity with these communities and their resistance. We reject all forms of repression against this struggle.  
Capitalism will continue its deadly projects, be it with right-wing governments like Peña’s or Calderon’s or liberal governments like AMLO’s.  Only in a society run by and for the workers, can projects be done on the basis of the social needs of workers, and without destroying the environment.
In order to make this an effective fight, we have to collectively organize an international revolutionary communist party to unite all the isolated efforts of all communities to the struggles of the world’s working class.  Only a multiracial, antifascist, international antisexist movement can unite the world’s workers in a common fight to liberate the working class from the oppression of the capitalist system.  PLP is fighting to build the movement to end capitalism once and for all! Join us!