
Cecile Rol-Tanguy, a leader against fascism

23 July 2020 85 hits

Communists strive to serve the working class by boldly providing leadership to the working-class struggle, modestly and without the bombast of the bosses’ politicians. Cecile Rol-Tanguy, a model for all of us, died earlier this year on May 8, 2020 at the age of 101. You probably never heard of her, but her life is an inspiration in our battle against the catastrophic effects of capitalism.
Communists’ historic role has been to warn of war and fight fascism, which is capitalism at its late state. As fascism continues to rise worldwide, we look back at how our predecessors have fought fascism around World War II.
Cecile, a proud communist leader
Cecile was a leader of the French Resistance when the Nazis occupied France in the 1940s. Germany had installed the collaborationist French Vichy government under Petain to control French opposition. The Resistance played a heroic role fighting the Nazis and the French traitors. They attacked Nazis, organized and distributed propaganda, rescued Allied soldiers, sabotaged enemy weapons, and liberated Paris in August 1944.
Cecile was a communist leader of the Resistance following the example set by her father, François Le Bihan, an electrician and a founding member of the French Communist Party in 1920 who was killed by Nazis at the Auschwitz death camp. She said, “I was born into an anti-fascist family, or to be more precise, a communist family” (The Washington Post, 5/13). She grew up in a home that also hosted many communist refugees and exiles from across Europe.
Cecile met her future-husband in the struggle as well. She married the communist Resistance leader, Henri Rol-Tanguy. They dedicated their lives to fighting fascist Spain and Germany. During the early stages of their relationship, he volunteered in the International Brigades fighting in the Spanish Civil War. Later, Henri deployed with the International Brigade to fight in the Spanish Civil War.
My strength was remaining cool
As a liaison officer, Cecile used her skills to outwit the Nazi occupation of Paris by carrying anti-fascist fliers, pistols, bullets, and grenades, and attack plans, among other supplies, in her children’s baby carriage as she maneuvered her way around the city, posing as an innocent Parisian mother. She said My strength was always in remaining cool,” in an interview (The Washington Post, 5/13).
She and her children lived with Henri’s mother barely having enough to eat. Her young baby died under these circumstances followed by her father’s capture and deportation to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Despairing that she had nothing to lose, she threw herself into the anti-fascist struggle. “My father had been arrested, I didn’t know where my husband was, and I had lost my little girl. What could hold me back?” she said in an interview with Times of London in 2012.
A woman’s place is in the class struggle
While Henri received acclaim after the war, France hardly recognized her contributions because of her unapologetic identity as a communist (The Washington Post, 5/13). It wasn’t until 2014 and 2017 when France finally presented her with two prestigious awards. Thousands of other French women suffered from the sexist scapegoating by the French after the war. Portrayed as collaborators, they were stripped, branded, and beaten for allegedly sleeping with Nazis in exchange for safety and food. This false picture became the popular image of French women, eclipsing the courageous efforts of the women in the Resistance.
Charles de Gaulle, the anti-communist leader of the French Free Army, took power away from the Resistance armies. Dedicated to a pro-Western capitalist France, he stole all the credit for the French victory and barely recognized the communists’ critical insurrectionary role. The lesson here is that the liberal democrats historically plays an anti-communist role. They are never our friends, as their intent is to maintain capitalism.
While the French Communist Party ultimately squandered their triumph in Paris by entering a coalition government with the capitalist political parties, the French communist resistance reveals how we can organize under difficult political, economic, social, and psychological conditions for a world based on egalitarianism and workers’ power. As the world imperialist powers China and U.S. accelerate towards world war, communists and friends everywhere can seek inspiration from leaders like Cecile to fulfill our historic role as fighters against fascism. One day, we will eliminate these evils once and for all with a communist revolution.