
Profit system, a petri dish for disease

23 July 2020 71 hits

Capitalist agricultural practices have led to devastating diseases caused by global virus outbreaks that have been occurring with increasing frequency: AIDS (1981), SARS (2002), Ebola (2014), and now Covid-19. Putting profit before people has increased the number and impact of zoonotic (traced to wild animals) viruses.
As long as capitalism continues to ravish the earth, humanity will suffer from more and more of these diseases. Communism, a system that works to meet people’s needs instead of for private profits, is the only viable alternative to capitalist death and destruction.
Capitalism has brought exotic animals side by side with traditional livestock in Wuhan markets, and elsewhere. Sellers of this food cut deep into forests for their goods, and the animals they find, full of previously unknown pathogens, are brought into the cities.
At least 60 percent of new (novel) human viruses and bacteria come from these wild animals. Novel viruses are a problem because no one has immunity to them.
The return of China to capitalism after 1976 laid the basis for the exotic food markets. After communism ended there, the Chinese government took a first step towards capitalism by redistributing what had been collective farmland to individual households. These “smallholder” farmers were later replaced in the 1990s by industrial food production conglomerates. This pushed the smallholders to look for other ways to make a living, and some turned to wild animal breeding.
The so-called Spanish Flu of 1918 was spread during  World War I. A war fought so that the United States, German, French and other capitalists could divide the world among themselves for colonial exploitation. This century’s deadly viruses are spread through international capitalist markets and supply chains, which bring with them international travel and exchange of goods.
When the driving force behind decision-making is profit instead of working-class necessity, there is a 100 percent chance that decision will harm the working class of the world. Even when their own research proves conditions are ripe for the spread of disease, the profit motive overrides safety. A system that knowingly puts the working-class and the world at risk does not deserve to exist.
The right conditions for disease
As capitalist food production invades most of the world, small farmers are pushed off their lands and into the cities. These cities and their surroundings become overcrowded, filled with poor workers who barely eke out a living, and have little to no health care or clean water. Combine that with deforestation, and you have viruses formerly controlled by the complexities of the tropical forest making their way to big cities in only a few days. Viruses whose impact would once have been confined to villages on the edge of the forest now spread across the world through travel and trade.
Another way capitalist agriculture creates pandemics is by growing food, both plant crops and animals, with nearly identical sets of genes. Berkshire swine, for example, “are known for fast and efficient growth, reproductive efficiency, cleanness and meat flavor and value.” These genetically similar animals allow viruses, as they mutate, to eventually “hit the jackpot” and infect the whole population. In a genetically diverse animal population, the virus would likely only infect some of the herds. The capitalists, however, base their decisions on profitability, not human disease prevention.
The capitalists also find it more profitable to keep animals confined to a small space, so they can produce more meat per acre. This facilitates greater transmission of viruses and other pathogens. Because these animals are grown for profitability, their conditions are unsanitary, which weakens their immune systems. Overcrowding helps the pathogens spread quickly through the factory farms. Global animal exports give viruses new opportunities to spread. Antibiotics are routinely fed to animals in confinement on factory farms. The widespread heavy use of antibiotics—not to treat sick animals, but as a growth “promoter”— has led to the development of bacteria resistance to multiple antibiotics.
Diseases, just a cost of business
The profiteers see the occasional disease outbreaks as part of the cost of doing business. The U.S. government, and others around the world, play diminishing roles in regulating factory farms and processing plants. Governmental support for practices that contribute to outbreaks of disease have resulted in greater numbers of people infected by foodborne outbreaks.
Capitalist agriculture, globalization, and farming methods that destroy natural barriers to pathogens all allowed Covid-19 and other deadly diseases to invade the world. Profiteers have travelled the globe, destroying anything (including millions of human lives) that gets in the way of their quest for riches, and laying the basis for new viruses that sicken and kill.
A better world is possible
Progressive Labor Party (PLP) breaks it down this way: these bloodsucking profiteers will never give up their capitalist system peacefully. An armed working class, under the leadership of PLP communists, must smash the system. We will build communism, a system that unites the working class to build a sustainable life for all of us. We fight for communism, a system free of racism, sexism, and other capitalist divisions. We will grow plants and animals to provide people with healthy, nutritious food to eat, not for profit. We will promote science and teach science to everyone, so that we can collectively remake the world the capitalists are destroying. Join us.