
Father’s Day March: We Will Not Be Silent About Ramarley’s Murder

06 June 2012 160 hits

BRONX, NEW  YORK, May 31 — The marshals stopped the march and instructed us to tighten our ranks and pump up the volume.  As we approached the 47th precinct the chants of “NYPD you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide!” and “Mayor Bloomberg you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide!” grew louder and louder.

“Haste, Haste, Haste” ”the  multi-racial crowd roared, calling for the racist killer cop who shot Ramarley Graham to death in his grandmother’s apartment on February 3 after kicking in the door.   The cops had no warrant and Ramarley had no weapon.

Led by Ramarley’s parents, supporters march every Thursday through the neighbourhood and to the precinct.  The parents and organizers of the march always make it clear that they are not only asking for justice for Ramarley but are commemorating the many other victims of police brutality and are fighting to prevent others from becoming victims.

At  the police station a PLP member was called up to speak.  He praised the parents for their courage in  waging such a  militant struggle, saying that they were an inspiration to the working class.  His major focus was on the role of the cops.  While some people say it’s just a few bad cops, we condemn the entire police department as protectors of the capitalist system.   Putting it in perspective he said that police around the world from the U.S., to China, to Syria  have the same role:  to suppress the workers from fighting back against their rulers.  

His speech was well received as were the many CHALLENGEs we distributed.   The last page was completely about the Ramarley Graham struggle (6/6/12). An article explained in detail how “leaders”  from the NAACP, Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, and the Service Employees International Union were trying to pacify the people.   They are organizing a mass march against the  “stop-and-frisk” policy but do not want to raise the issue of police brutality. Their plan calls for no speeches and a silent march!

Well, we will not be silent at the June 17th Father’s Day march or on any other day.   We call on all CHALLENGE readers to come to the weekly Thursday night vigils in the Bronx.  Raise the anti-racist struggle in your schools, unions, churches, and PTA’s.  Fight back!