
DC Transit Rank and File Sharpen Anti-Racist Contract Fight

17 October 2012 138 hits

WASHINGTON, DC, October 16 — The bosses and their union misleader allies continue to attack Metro Access workers here. These drivers handle special trips for the disabled and elderly. In most major cities, such para-transit systems are generally treated as stepchildren of the mass transit systems, with wages and benefits far below regular bus and train operators. The bosses rely on private contractors to provide these poverty-level jobs and on racism to super-exploit these mainly black workers. 

Here Metro Access is operated by MV Transportation, a contractor that is barely represented by ATU Local 1764. One DC Metro Access worker contacted a PLP member known for his long-time activism in the Metro transit union and said the workers wanted to leave their local because it didn’t serve their needs. However, the PL’er said it would be better for workers to organize a their own fight around a new contract for January 2013, including preparing to strike.

A group of eight workers met to map out such a contract and prepare for a strike. They made a priority elimination of the two-tier wage system which is dividing the workers. Nobody receives a decent wage. Under the current contract senior drivers make $17/hr while new employees are capped at $12/hr.

The group also discussed the issue of anti-communism since PLP is involved in this effort, and copies of CHALLENGE were shared with the workers. The campaign has just begun. MV Transportation has over 800 workers at two locations. The workers have organized a strong committee, but need to approach the entire workforce. They launched a web site to help in this effort: and prepared a flyer for mass distribution 

So far the union leadership has refused to meet with this rank-and-file committee. They’ve told the workers they should disband because the union president will “take care of the contract.” Exactly! Another sellout! That’s the problem! Let’s get organized to sharpen the anti-racist class struggle of these workers.