
Wal-Mart Workers Protest

12 December 2013 112 hits

On November 29, “Black Friday,” one of the busiest shopping days in the U.S, masses of workers nation-wide protested and struck against Wal-Mart, the country’s largest retail store, second largest corporation and largest private employer, with over 1.4 million workers.
By pioneering tactics to cut labor costs and avert union organizing, using intimidation among suppliers, subcontractors and competitors across industries, Wal-Mart has reaped billions in profits and is hastening a transformation toward a future of low-wage, non-union jobs.
The Waltons comprise the richest family in the world, their wealth inherited from company founder Sam Walton. Collectively the Waltons own over 50% of the company and are worth a combined total of $150 billion.  In 2011, six members of the Walton family had the same net worth as the bottom 30% of U.S. families combined. Meanwhile, Wal-Mart workers’ wages are low enough to qualify them for public assistance.