
Workers Blocking Bosses’ Lockout

27 December 2013 122 hits

ALTOONA, PA, December 21 — Over 100 unionized electrical workers here have been locked out for one month by the criminal corporate Penelec bosses. These workers, who’ve been walking the picket line every day, had voted down the latest contract and the bosses responded by locking them out.
The bosses have declared that the lockout will continue until the workers accept this contract. However, the workers are in a fighting mood and are refusing to back down to the profit-hungry bosses.
There’s been some community support for the workers but with the holidays upon us, it’s clear that the workers’ families will be facing tough sledding. It is another example of a class war being waged by many in the working class.
The local press has given these brave workers very little news coverage while they attempt to convince everyone that the only thing worth reporting is local crime. The same could be said for the bosses’ national media. It is the leadership of PLP that is needed to help workers break from bourgeois ideology and move in a revolutionary direction.
This struggle deserves the support of all working people.  Damn the Penelec bosses!