
Rulers are the Real Child Abusers

27 December 2013 126 hits

I recently attended a mandatory meeting establishing (new) requirements for teachers regarding the reporting of suspected child abuse.  A key part of the presentation was the idea that “the authorities” would rather see over-reporting of non-child abuse cases as opposed to under-reporting of actual child abuse cases.  Now the ruling class certainly doesn’t care about child abuse.  Cutting food stamps,  intensifying racism,  denying disability benefits, and using drone strikes to kill children are legal and beyond reproach. 
It is now illegal for a teacher to not report suspected child abuse.  In other words, they can now claim that you were “negligent” in not bringing to your supervisor’s attention that you “suspect” something is amiss, even if you never witnessed the supposed suspicious behavior.
What, then, is going on?  There are several reasons for this more overt approach:
  1) Since teachers care about the welfare of the students, the ruling class needs teachers to convince students that “the authorities” (child welfare agencies, district attorneys’ offices, police departments) are “on their side” and are dedicated to helping people. 
2) The ruling class needs to convince teachers that poor student outcomes are, at the very least, the fault of the students and their parents.
3) The ruling class wants to use teachers in the same way the Nazis did: get them to encourage their students to rat on their parents’ (or anyone else’s) left-wing and communist politics.  Using child abuse as the opener is a way to suck teachers into this kind of mind set.
4) The new rules make it even easier for school boards to find that certain “rebellious” teachers should be fired while claiming that their removal has nothing to do with politics but only occurred because the teacher “condoned” child abuse activity.
The above applies to Pennsylvania. I don’t know what is happening in other states but it’s probably not all that different.  We need to be aware of these changes and to point out their very dangerous implications as well as to show how deceptive the ruling class is by hiding its methods behind “doing something to help children.”
Red Teacher