

12 June 2020 65 hits

OAXACA, MX, June 8—Militant revolutionary greetings from the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) collective in Oaxaca. We offer our solidarity and support during your exemplary fight against the racist and fascist police forces who killed George Floyd. You are an example to the world.This racism is engendered by the capitalist system and carried out by the ruling class in the United States through its fascist police, who commit crimes against the working class on the streets, in the factories, stores, schools and especially against Black and Latin workers.
Racism is promoted by the capitalist class to divide and super exploit the working class. It is a political and ideological strategy the bosses use to boost their profits and preserve their criminal exploitation. Today, the anger and fed up feelings reached their limits, as many major cities in the U.S. saw workers hit the streets rebelling against the racist police.
Racism is running rampant throughout the world, promoted by the capitalist ruling classes. On June 4, Giovanni López Ramírez, a construction worker, was beaten to death by  police in Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos, Jalisco, México. The police say he had no face mask, (a measure against Covid-19) dictated by the governor of the state, Enrique Alfaro, member of the Partido Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), an arm of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), one of the main political parties in Mexico.
Workers took to the streets defying the zero-tolerance campaign in the state. The ruling class, as usual, responded with repression, using their criminal police, injuring and arresting dozens of rebels.Because of the problems caused by the criminal capitalist system, the fight against racism is key in our fight toward a communist world.
Fight on comrades, the communist future is ours!