
Bosses’ liberal politicians are the main danger

12 June 2020 71 hits

As workers take to the streets both protesting racist killer kkkops and being sent back to work as cities begin to reopen amidst the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, the bosses’ liberal misleaders continue to be the biggest threats to our working-class lives. Wolves in sheeps clothing, these murderous liars are the Big Fascist’s mouthpieces as they seek to pacify the masses. Progressive Labor Party rejects all of the bosses’ servants—regardless of their race, gender, or sexuality. We will not be fooled into following a multicultural dictatorship of the bosses. The following are a few ways these misleaders try to co-opt the movement or  buy back allegiance to this system.

From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual … It's very rare.
— Maria van Kerkhove, an infectious disease epidemiologist.
On Tuesday, Van Kerkhove had to “clear up” “misunderstandings” about her statements claiming “very few studies” had even attempted following asymptomatic cases.

If those protestors had just gotten out of the way we wouldn’t be talking about this situation...Any protester that tries to take the humanity away from a police officer and devalue them just because they are a public servant is no better than the racists who devalue people of color and particularly black men in America.
— NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio

I believe the mayor underestimates the scope of the problem. I believe he underestimates the duration of the problem, and I don’t think they’ve used enough police to address the situation…
           — Governor Andrew Cuomo

I don't think the slogan [DEFUND THE POLICE] represents what a lot of people are calling for. I think a lot of people are calling for reform. I think ‘reform police’ may have been a better slogan, and I think that there are probably a lot of departments across this country that need that focus.
— Mayor Muriel Bowser

The black community is not responsible for what’s happening in this country — we are. People have lost patience for a reason
— Governor Gavin Newsom,
the same day he activated 4,500 National Guard members to “respond to protests if needed.

We have to figure out a way to humanize both sides of the barricades right now...First and foremost, to humanize black people in this country who have disproportionately been dehumanized. But it can’t ever be a one-way street to dehumanize a person who wears a badge. We need them to hear us, but we need to hear them or else we’re going to isolate them into islands that results in the sort of policing we don’t want to see.
— Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti

Anybody who does not want cops, then do not ask for them; send them my way … Send them to Philadelphia, Wilmington, Trenton, the area I live in. And my daughter will be safer, my wife will be safer, my mother will be safer, and I will be safer. And I will be happy.
— Democratic Presidential Candidate,
Joe Biden