

12 June 2020 75 hits

Newark, May 30—The Progressive Labor Party (PLP) and friends fought to share working class communist politics at two demonstrations and a march. The Mayor of Newark, Ras Baraka, spoke under the guise of protesting against police brutality in the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN. He tried seducing masses away from revolutionary ideas of workers power and communist revolution. “We want to march to change the systemic issues...We want good officers to stand up.  In Newark, we are fighting right now with the Supreme Court to have the strongest civilian complaint review board.”
However, there is no possible way for “good” cops to stand up because the role of the police under capitalism won’t allow it.  Racism and sexism are the viruses of the profit system; it is the foundation of capitalism.
From Covid-19 to George Floyd
Kkkops murdered George Floyd for allegedly using a fake $20 bill. Working class rebellions in response to many murders like his are  not unrelated to the way the ruling class has managed the crisis of Covid-19. Worldwide, bosses used their governments to attempt to build class unity between themselves and workers by promoting: “we’re all in this together”. Instead, class hatred of bosses’ disregard for the lives of workers has intensified, while multiracial fightback and anti-racism has grown among workers. Ruling-class imposed lockdowns have resulted in massive attacks on the international working class.
In Newark, the bosses keeping Baraka in charge were incapable of protecting every worker. Instead, Baraka  intensified police intimidation in the most exploited and working-class  neighborhoods. Thousands of undocumented families had no work or food. Bosses at Newark Beth Israel Hospital suspended a nurse for bringing in protective gear. Incarcerated workers were left to get sick. Many students received failing grades, with total disregard for growing hardships.
How many of us could have benefited from another $20, fake or not, in this time?
Liberal fascist Baraka disarms workers
Whenever  the bosses  can choose between using ideology or violence to weaken the working class, they  will choose to use ideas to brainwash workers and develop misleaders. Now, capitalist ideas of reform and electoral politics have been rejected by workers across the U.S. The use of riot gear, tear gas, rubber bullets, sabotage and brutal physical violence against working class rebellions exposes the true nature of “liberal” misleaders. headOnly an armed revolution led by millions of communist workers committed to anti-racism, anti-sexism and internationalism can stop this racist terror.
Fake “radical” politician Baraka is supported by New Jersey’s corporate elite. His job is to hold down the militancy of workers in this mainly Black and Latin city. Rather than organize workers to fight capitalism and the capitalist class that forced workers to be poisoned with lead for years, Baraka and other liberal politicians advocate for passivity. Next year, Newark Public Schools, the state’s largest district will lose $36.4 million. According to an article, when Baraka started as Mayor he had 900 police officers. His goal - 1700 cops - nearly  doubled since he took office  (12/16/17). After centuries of racist terror, the working class in Newark, (and elsewhere,) know all too well that an increase in KKKiller cops is not to serve the community.
Workers hungry for communist leadership
5,000 multiracial, and multigenerational workers were ready and looking for a way to fight back. More than a 1,000 took copies of CHALLENGE. The headline of the latest CHALLENGE – “Communism Will End Racist Police Terror” – put our line right up front.
With a bullhorn, electrifying politics and chants, PLP energized about 500 workers. Many went off against capitalism:
“They are not only killing my brother and everyone else that has been killed by the police.  You are killing a family.  You killed our lack of trust in this system. We tried to get justice. What did they do in return? They promoted the cop stating it was robbery homicide...This is for my generation when I was growing up I didn't see no justice and nobody gave a damn. He was just another fallen statistic and it happened in our streets in Newark, New Jersey.”
“People are living better with unemployment then going to work...I’m tired of seeing my little nieces and nephews go to school and not learn a damn thing...I’m tired of going to the hospital and having to pay big ass bills for something small. How the hell can we afford to live...How the hell are we living under constant injustice and oppression but they expect us to keep calm. We are not going to keep calm. Another one is dead. So that means all of us are rising up.”
These rallies showed us two things. First, youth and workers are looking for revolutionary ideas. Second, the local ruling class in Newark, led by Mayor Ras Baraka, has maintained the anger of the working class by claiming to reform the cops so that they can work for them. Kkkops won't exist in a communist world because there wouldn't be a ruling class system of bosses and profits to protect.  Workers internationally will provide for one another as a community making use of materials as needed. Capitalism is the disease and communism is the cure.